Fabulous General Transport Company
Trucking & Heavy Construction equipment rental specialists
Asbestos Transportation and Disposal
Fabulous General Transport also provide Waste Transportation Services. For this purpose, we are working in close collaboration with Angus (Asbestos Removal) Middle East LLC.
The company is licensed by Tadweer (CWM-AD) and involved in Demolition Contracting and Asbestos Removal including the transport and disposal of Asbestos Wastes from site to designated landfill areas. Services also include removal and disposal of hazardous, toxic, recyclable and non-recyclable wastes.
Please send us an inquiry for any requirements related to Asbestos Waste management.
Note: Tadweer is the Center of Waste Management (CWM) in Abu Dhabi, UAE.

Tadweer's approved technical guidelines
Kindly be informed that all asbestos waste producers are required to dispose of their asbestos waste at Al Dhafra landfill, as follows:
Asbestos waste to be handled properly (packaging, marking, labeling & placarding), and to be disposed of at Tadweer's designated cell in Al Dhafra Landfill which is dedicated for asbestos waste only.
Contracting with Tadweer's approved ESPs (we are one of these companies) who are authorized to collect and transport asbestos waste.
Asbestos waste manifest shall be approved by all concerned parties (Waste producers, waste transporter, and landfill's operator).
Asbestos transportation to be done only by registered ESP's vehicles shall be equiped with (GPS) and registered at Tadweer's system. Fabulous General Transport vehicles are registered with Tadweer and fitted with GPS as per Tadweer requirements.
Commitment to dispose of asbestos in the designated cell and within the granted time which will be issued by Tadweer.
Providing all required PPE to deal with asbestos waste (e.g. protective clothing, footwear & respiratory protective equipment).
Tadweer has started accepting asbestos waste on its designated cell at Al Dhafra landfill since 12th August, 2014.
Therefore, all concerned entities are required to comply with the above mentioned instructions, in order to aboid any legal and administrative actions against violations, until they rectify their situation and fully comply with Tadweer's requirements.